[vc_column_text]Sprinkler systems are an important addition to your landscapes. If you are struggling to find the right amount of water for your landscapes or don’t have the time to water them each day, a sprinkler system is the perfect addition. Huskie’z Landscaping provides sprinkler system design and installation for your property.

Why Choose a Sprinkler System?

Irrigation is an important part of your landscapes life. Without the proper amount of water your landscapes will soon die. With the right amount of water, your landscapes will flourish into beautiful plants, bushes, and trees. Proper watering is also important for the health of your grass. Adding the right amount of water to your landscapes will keep them healthy all year long.

Do Sprinkler Systems Require Maintenance?

The amount of maintenance needed for your irrigation system is almost non-existent. The amount of water will need to be adjusted by you or your local landscaping company. This is needed for a variety of reasons. More or less rain than normal, temperature changes, and the addition of new plants can cause your sprinkler system to need adjustments. This is a simple task that can be completed by you or your certified landscaping company.

Do You Repair Sprinkler Systems?

Huskie’z Landscaping doesn’t just repair sprinkler systems, but we also design and install them on your property. If your irrigation system isn’t working properly, we can find and repair the problems. Most times the repair is very simple and affordable.

If you have been wanting an irrigation system, now is the time. With summer right around the corner your time will become busier with family and friends. An irrigation system can make your summer a lot easier. For more information, give us a call. We will happily give you a free estimate and answer any questions you may have about the benefits of irrigation systems![/vc_column_text]