Monthly Archives: April 2022

Water Features and Your Property

By |2022-04-26T16:32:34+00:00April 26th, 2022|Landscape Ideas|

Water features are something that many dreams of having on their property. It is unfortunate that most believe they cannot afford water features. Water features were once only seen on expensive residential properties and commercial properties. This is no longer the situation, as water features can be incredibly affordable. Below we will talk about a [...]

Aeration and Dethatching Your Lawn – The Importance Of A Knowledgeable Landscaper

By |2022-04-26T16:20:02+00:00April 6th, 2022|Landscaping Info, Landscaping Tips|

With summer around the corner, it is no surprise you have questions about your lawn! A beautiful and lush lawn is a hot commodity! If you are researching your lawn, you will probably see the words aerate and dethatching. These two words can send confusion through most people. Huskie’z Landscaping has the answers to help [...]

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