This summer has been quite dry, although we’ve recently seen bouts of flash flooding. The weather has been confusing and your landscape can be affected by the weather’s ups and downs. With the recent quickly moving storms, some areas that normally aren’t affected by lots of rainfall have flooded. Even if you haven’t been a victim of the recent flooding, your lawn and landscapes are all affected by heavy rains. Huskie’z Landscaping is here to help you with all of your lawn and landscaping needs. Here are four reminders about water and proper drainage during this unexpected rainy season.
Proper Drainage is Important!
Ensure that you have a proper drainage system that is in good condition. A properly designed drainage system will not only save your home from flooding, but it will also save your lawn and landscapes. Proper drainage systems remove water quickly without risking damages to your lawn, landscapes, or home. With a functional drainage system, you will not have to worry about your lawn or landscapes becoming oversaturated. If you aren’t sure what drainage system you have, contact your local landscaping company for assistance.
Monitor plants during times of heavy rain.
A normal amount of rainfall is great for your lawn and landscapes. When severe storms pass through and drop large amounts of water, you may end up with a problem. When storms move in unexpectedly, check on your plants. If possible, you may want to protect them from the rain by moving them to a covered location. If you aren’t able to move them, be sure that you have a way for them to drain excess water. If the water collects and oversaturates, it can cause your plants and grass to die.
Troubleshoot areas that collect stagnant water.
Water that is standing in an area is dangerous. Not only can it be a risk factor or cause personal injury, stagnant water also is more likely to contain microbacteria that can cause illnesses or disease. Plus, it doesn’t smell good. Stagnated water also attracts mosquitoes and other insects, which carry bacteria and viruses. A proper drainage system allows the water to flow from trouble areas on your property. This diminishes stagnated water and allows your landscapes and lawn to continue prospering. Be sure to consult with landscaping and drainage professionals to avoid any standing water problems on your property.
Have a professional design your drainage system.
Drainage systems are complex and should only be handled by certified landscapers. Your landscaping company can survey your property and determine areas of concern. They will be able to discuss options with you and find one that best fits your needs and budget. From there, they will design and implement your drainage system. A properly designed drainage and irrigation system can save you a lot of money on your lawn, landscapes, home, and water bills.
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